What are the health hazards of DEHP and DINP?


Plasticizer up to hundreds of species. The illegal enterprises in Taiwan to add the DEHP, DINP and so on. DEHP and DINP are low toxicity. Animal tests found that long-term large intake of DEHP and DINP, will produce endocrine disrupting effects, can cause reproductive and developmental disorders, and can induce animal liver cancer. But there is no evidence of carcinogenicity to humans.

Will DEHP and DINP be discharged from the body?


Experimental results show that into the body of DEHP and DINP and other phthalate esters can be discharged by the body. Animal experiments found that the vast majority of DEHP in 24-48 hours with the urine or feces excreted. 48 hours to stop the intake of products containing DEHP, the body will rapidly decline in DEHP concentration. DINP will also be rapidly metabolized.


What is the safety limit for daily intake of DEHP?


In adults with 60 kg of body weight, WHO (WHO), the United States and the European Union, respectively, that life per person per day intake of 1.5mg, 2.4mg and 3.0mg and below DEHP is safe. DINP is less toxic, even if the daily intake of 9.0mg is safe, occasionally eating a small amount of DEHP or DINP pollution problems food will not cause harm to health.



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